Thoughts on Celebrating 2 Years in Business
This past year has been difficult for many businesses. For us, as a new business, one which entered its first full calendar year with promise and excitement, it was a bit jarring to be thrown in to a year darkened by a Global Pandemic. Running a business is hard. Growing a business is hard. And then throw in a world turned upside down...well, that's hard too.
We watched as businesses pivoted, adapted, struggled, thrived, failed, and succeeded. Luckily for us we were able to adapt our schedule and our customers were understanding and supportive. You kept our business going by sending waffles to your friends, family and selves throughout the Pandemic. We were excited to be part of your milestone celebrations and holidays, your notes of encouragement, well wishes and thank yous.
While we were not able to do the markets this year or nearly as many popups and collaborations as we had planned, we were able to try new ways to market our business. Thanks to more people lacing up their shoes, we had the idea to set up two virtual 5k races! This felt true to our business as the whole idea of Send Me Waffles came after running a race a few years ago. Both races were a success and helped us raise awareness of our brand AND raise money for two causes near and dear to our hearts- The Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York and Parkinson's Foundation.
Right before COVID locked us down, we had started a live video where we surprised area businesses with waffles. That idea migrated to a weekly Facebook Live featuring odd toppings with our 5 year old (this ended when she started school, but it was fun). We were also able to launch our Send Me Joe (coffee flavored) waffle over the summer, as well as a much asked for Vegan version of our Send Me Sugar waffle.
So what is in store for year 3? In the works are two exciting projects we look forward to sharing with you- including one idea from the mind of one of our children! We love sending waffles across the U.S. and hope to reach all 50 states by the end of this year. We have 46 so far (still need Hawaii, Montana, Nebraska and South Dakota!). This year we plan on doing a few more local PopUps and collaborations as businesses open up and the weather gets nicer. And, as always, we look forward to being your go to gift giving box of delicious waffles!
Thank you again for your continued support. We love you a Waffly lot!
Much Wafflove to you,
Ilene and Keegan