News and More- Waffling Out and About

How To Support Friends From Afar During Their Time Of Need

unique monthly subscription boxes
It is February 2021 and we are still in the midst of a Global Pandemic due to COVID. This has deeply placed a damper on many of our styles in terms of travel, friendships, daily activities and more. Where I feel it most is my ability to support my friends by physically being there for them in their times of need. 

Holiday Gift Message Ideas

Holiday Gift Message Ideas
One of the hardest parts about sending gifts in the mail is deciding what to write in the message!  Here are some of our favorites we have seen from past customers. Feel free to use them to help brighten someone's holiday.

How to Send Belgian Liege Sugar Waffles in the Mail

Unique birthday gift for friend
Each waffle is individually sealed and labelled. If you send one waffle, we place the waffle in an envelope and ship it out via USPS. If the waffles are in a box, we send via USPS or UPS. Do you get frustrated when you receive gifts in the mail and have no idea who they are from? With Send Me Waffles, you open the box and immediately see the gift message on the lid. 

Local Pick Up Available

Local Pick Up Available
We love shipping across the U.S., but we realize in the era of Amazon, customers do not like to pay for shipping. Therefore, we decided to offer local PickUp for anyone who would like to save on the cost of shipping.

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday Preview

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday Preview
We will be offering our sales for the holiday season during the Black Friday weekend. We encourage you to send waffles to friends and family throughout the month and not just close to Christmas. 

Important Holiday Shipping Information

belgian waffles online
This holiday season join in what has been called a Pandemic of Kindness.
Shop small. Support local. Mail cards. Send Waffles.